5 Effective Strategies to Help Your Child Make Friends at Preschool

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Selecting Better Child Care

After I headed back to work full time, I realized that it was going to be hard to leave behind my newborn baby. I knew that I needed to find a place that would care just as much about my baby as I did, but I knew that it was going to be easier said than done. I started combing through local advertisements about child care, and I was able to find a business that seemed to focus on quality. They were amazing to work with, and they took care of my child with incredible care. This blog is all about selecting better child care for your kids.


5 Effective Strategies to Help Your Child Make Friends at Preschool

23 October 2023
 Categories: , Blog

As a caring parent, your utmost desire is to provide your child with the finest opportunities in life, which encompasses nurturing their positive social skills. Unfortunately, some children may struggle to make friends, especially when they start preschool. The good news is that as a parent, you can support them in making connections with other kids. Here are five effective strategies for helping your child develop positive relationships with peers at preschool.

Encourage Your Child to Join Class Activities

Most preschools have a range of activities and programs that encourage children to engage in group play. Encourage your child to take part in these activities and support them by attending events and sessions. This will not only help your child to make friends but will also provide them with an opportunity to develop their social skills.

Host Playdates

Set up playdates with other children in your child’s preschool class. Arrange to meet with parents and have your child play with their children. This will help your child build new friendships and get to know other children more personally.

Be a Role Model for Your Child

Children learn by watching adults, so it’s important to model positive social behaviors. Demonstrate kindness, empathy, and respect for others in your interactions with other parents and children. Encourage your child to do the same, and praise them when they exhibit positive behaviors.

Teach Your Child the Importance of Sharing and Turn-Taking

It’s essential to teach your child the importance of sharing, cooperation, and taking turns. Encourage your child to use kind words: Encourage your child to use kind words when they’re interacting with other children. Teach your child to apologize when they do something wrong and to say please and thank you when they need or receive something.

Communicate With Your Child’s Teacher

Preschool teachers work hard to create a positive classroom environment where all children feel included and safe. You should communicate with the preschool teachers to help them gain an understanding of your child’s needs. They can offer advice on how to help your child make friends and will work with your child to help them develop connection skills. 

Helping your child make friends at preschool can be challenging, but with these five effective strategies, you can provide them with the support they need to build positive relationships with their peers. Remember, as a parent, you can play a significant role in shaping your children’s social development and preparing them for success in the future. If you need additional tips for helping your child make friends, talk to your local preschool teacher.